Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A short poem about
the pleasure and the pride
to speak gascoun :

Anats tout lou long de la Séno
Paral boste franchimant pur;
Mès tant qu'eou troubarats en Guiéno,
<> Parlats lou gascoun à Moussur.

Noste Moussu es de Gascougno :
Atau lou gascoun lou hè gay :
Atau et n'a jamès bergougno
D'augi la lengo de sa may.

<>Go along the Seine
<>And your pure French
<>But as long as you are in Guyenne
<>Speak Gascoun to my Lord

Our Lord is from Gasconha
The Gascoun language thus pleases him
He is thus never ashamed
To hear the language of his mother.

Thus speak a male shepherd to two female ones who brag in speaking only French. "Only French" : here is the motto of so many french intellectuals and authors. They should keep in mind the deep saying of their great author Montaigne : « Que le gascon y aille si le français n’y peut aller » !

Two beautiful lines in Icelandic

<>"Ó, að ég væri orðinn nýr
<>og ynni þér að nýju!"
<>"O, how i wish i begun all over again
<>and loved you another time."
<>The rhythm Icelandic is very striking.
Jónas Hállgrímsson is the author of these lines.